Tipsy Nerds Book Club
The best in Science Fiction and Fantasy—with a twist. Whether you prefer dragons or aliens, your drinks shaken or stirred, Tipsy Nerds Book Club delivers lively and fun nerdy conversation every month. The first season focused on the NPR Best 100 Sci-Fi & Fantasy, but the Nerds now focus on more recent titles, movies, and streaming shows. The show also features author guests (past guests include bestselling authors such as Hugh Howey, J Todd Scott, and Darynda Jones). For fans of SFF genre, Tipsy Nerds podcast is the perfect antidote to the news-cycle blues.“Two tipsy nerds, one great story.”
Tipsy Nerds Book Club
The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle
Natalie Wright & Robyn Dabney
Season 5
Episode 8
The Nerds are dipping into an old-school hard sci-fi book—The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle, a 1957 classic of British sci-fi. When a giant cloud of interstellar matter races toward the center of our solar system, the fate of humanity rests on the shoulders of an elite gathering of scientists. Join the Nerds in their discussion of this unusual sci-fi story, and hear a nerd trivia tidbit about the author.
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